Thalor is a vast and diverse world divided into five major regions, each inspired by real-world climates and ecosystems. The planet is governed by the Council of Sovereigns, a group of five Draconic Overlords who rule collaboratively, each representing their domain’s unique attributes. The dragons’ corpulent forms reflect their power, prosperity, and enduring authority, symbolizing their regions' wealth and stability. While each Overlord has absolute authority within their region, their shared governance through the Council of Sovereigns ensures balance and cooperation across Thalor. These meetings take place in Drakspire, a towering mountain at the world’s heart, where they deliberate on resource distribution, disasters, conflicts, and the lingering mysteries of Thalor’s ancient past. Beneath the majestic rulership of the Overlords, anthropomorphic animals populate the world, their forms uniquely adapted to each region. These diverse peoples thrive as merchants, laborers, artisans, and warriors, each drawing strength from their environment and their dragon sovereigns’ guidance.